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Digital Spatial Infrastructures and Worldviews in Pre-Modern Societies
Authors: ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leeds : Arc Humanities Press,

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The study of medieval and early modern geographic space, literary cartography, and spatial thinking at a time of rapid digitization in the Humanities offers new ways to investigate spatial knowledge and world perceptions in pre-modern societies. Digitization of cultural heritage collections, open source databases, and interactive resources utilizing a rich variety of source materials-place names, early modern cadastral maps, medieval literature and art, Viking Age and medieval runic inscriptions-provides opportunities to re-think traditional lines of research on spatiality and worldviews, encourage innovation in methodology, and engage critically with digital outcomes. In this book, Nordic scholars of philology, onomastics, history, geography, literary studies, and digital humanities examine multiple aspects of ten large- and small-scale digital spatial infrastructures from the early stages of development to the practical applications of digital tools for studying spatial thinking and knowledge in pre-modern sources and societies.

Considering Space : a critical concept for the social sciences
ISBN: 1003361153 1000930815 103242088X Year: 2024 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon : Taylor & Francis,

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"Considering Space demonstrates what has changed in the perception of space within the social sciences and how useful - indeed indispensable - this category is today. While the seemingly deterritorializing effects of digitalization might suggest that space is a secondary consideration, this book proves such a presumption wrong, with territories, borders, distances, proximity, geographical ecologies, land use, physical infrastructures - as well as concepts of space - all being shown still to matter, perhaps more than ever before. Seeking to show how society can and should be perceived as spatial, it will appeal to scholars of sociology, geography, architecture and urban studies"-- Provided by publisher.

Body, space and pain
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782889192915 Year: 2014 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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There is growing interest in understanding how the perception of pain (and touch) is influenced by the way we represent our body and the space surrounding it. Recent views argue that pain can only be understood in a larger framework of body perception and action. This attention is driven by accumulating research in experimental and clinical domains, indicating that pain perception depends largely on cognitive factors and multisensory integration. The interest is also boosted by studies on chronic pain conditions suggesting a tight link between body perception and the maintenance of pain. Many aspects remain yet to be elucidated. We welcome submissions from researchers in cognitive neuroscience and pain to increase our understanding of the interplay among body, space, pain, touch and movement. We aim to gather insights from different theoretical frameworks and encourage investigators using a broad range of methods including (but not limited to) behavioural and neuropsychological approaches, imaging techniques, electrophysiology, psychophysiology and TMS to present their results in this Research Topic. In the attempt to go from bench- to bedside we also strongly encourage submissions from clinicians and physiotherapist whose contribution may help rising some future key questions. Qualitative and phenomenological approaches are also welcome.

Architecture and Modern Literature
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780472028245 0472028243 9780472900800 0472900803 1280486821 9781280486821 9780472071715 0472071718 9780472051717 0472051717 9786613582058 Year: 2012 Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press,

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Architecture and Modern Literature explores the representation and interpretation of architectural space in modern literature from the early nineteenth century to the present, with the aim of showing how literary production and architectural construction are related as cultural forms in the historical context of modernity. In addressing this subject, it also examines the larger questions of the relation between literature and architecture and the extent to which these two arts define one another in the social and philosophical contexts of modernity. Architecture and Modern Literature will serve as a foundational introduction to the emerging interdisciplinary study of architecture and literature.

How and why does spatial-hearing ability differ among listeners? : what is the role of learning and multisensory interactions?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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Spatial-hearing ability has been found to vary widely across listeners. A survey of the existing auditory-space perception literature suggests that three main types of factors may account for this variability: - physical factors, e.g., acoustical characteristics related to sound-localization cues, - perceptual factors, e.g., sensory/cognitive processing, perceptual learning, multisensory interactions, - and methodological factors, e.g., differences in stimulus presentation methods across studies. However, the extent to which these–and perhaps other, still unidentified—factors actually contribute to the observed variability in spatial hearing across individuals with normal hearing or within special populations (e.g., hearing-impaired listeners) remains largely unknown. Likewise, the role of perceptual learning and multisensory interactions in the emergence of a multimodal but unified representation of “auditory space,” is still an active topic of research. A better characterization and understanding of the determinants of inter-individual variability in spatial hearing, and of its relationship with perceptual learning and multisensory interactions, would have numerous benefits. In particular, it would enhance the design of rehabilitative devices and of human-machine interfaces involving auditory, or multimodal space perception, such as virtual auditory/multimodal displays in aeronautics, or navigational aids for the visually impaired. For this Research Topic, we have considered manuscripts that: - present new methods, or review existing methods, for the study of inter-individual differences; - present new data (or review existing) data, concerning acoustical features relevant for explaining inter-individual differences in sound-localization performance; - present new (or review existing) psychophysical or neurophysiological findings concerning spatial hearing and/or auditory perceptual learning, and/or multisensory interactions in humans (normal or impaired, young or older listeners) or other species; - discuss the influence of inter-individual differences on the design and use of assistive listening devices (rehabilitation) or human-machine interfaces involving spatial hearing or multimodal perception of space (ergonomy).

La fábrica de las Ilusiones : los Jesuitas y la difusión de la perspectiva lineal en China, 1698-1766
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9681211251 6076287500 Year: 2004 Publisher: El Colegio de México

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Mediante el recurso a innumerables fuentes chinas, en la mayoría inéditas, la autora reconstruye un capítulo de la historia de los contactos culturales entre Europa y China durante la última dinastía Qing. La reconstrucción del ambiente sociopolítico e intelectual en el cual "el esclavo imperial" Nian Xiyao (1671-1738) -personaje hasta la fecha casi desconocido- actúa, sirve de escenario para narrar otra historia, la de un libro, el "Shixue" o "Ciencia de la Visión", obra de extrema rareza, de la que existen cinco ejemplares en el mundo, tres de los cuales se encuentran en bibliotecas fuera de China. El libro resulta ser una traducción parcial de la "Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum" del Padre Andrea Pozzo (1642-1709), de la Compañía de Jesús, realizada por Nian Xiyao bajo la guía de Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), "Frater Coadiutor S.I.".

L’espace du Nouveau Monde : Mythologies et ancrages territoriaux

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En apprendre autant sur la notion d’espace que sur les Amériques, tel est l’objectif de cet ouvrage. Il aborde les manières qui furent et sont encore celles des individus et des groupes d’habiter cette portion du globe, une parmi d’autres, mais unique ne serait-ce que par la puissance que sa simple évocation exerce sur notre imaginaire. Les auteurs nous présentent, indissolublement liés, d’un côté, l’espace, concret, relationnel, actant et construit, de l’autre les Amériques, creuset(s) et terreau(x) infini(s) comme contradictoire(s) de tous les possibles. La mise en tension de ces deux entrées, dont les éléments forment système, renvoie aux thèmes de l’imaginaire et de sa force, du mythe et de ses frontières, de la dialectique du dehors et du dedans, du couple ailleurs/nulle part et enfin de l’ancrage, thèmes qui organisent les contributions d’une quinzaine d’auteurs, relevant d’un vaste éventail de disciplines. Cette diversité permet de jongler non seulement avec les approches mais aussi avec les différentes échelles, du continent au jardin, pour suggérer comment habiter l’espace, aux Amériques comme ailleurs, revient à « faire avec » cet espace et ce qui le compose, matériellement, socialement, mais aussi sur le plan des imaginaires et des mythes, renvoyant à l’actuel comme aux passés réels ou fantasmés, aux avenirs possibles aussi. La conquête semble être ce qui caractérise le plus ces « faire avec » illustrant une espérance qui se concrétise physiquement, matériellement, immatériellement et symboliquement. L’espace, dans les Amériques, convoque et véhicule des pratiques et des imaginaires (tous deux liés) qu’il sédimente ou oublie : il se renouvelle par lui-même et sur lui-même, alternant ruptures et ancrages.

Ortsgespräche : Raum und Kommunikation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 383940312X 3899423127 9783899423129 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Unter dem Schlagwort des spatial turn erlebt 'Raum' gegenwärtig eine ungeahnte Renaissance in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Was dort schnell zur Mode geworden ist, beschäftigt andere Disziplinen indes schon seit langem. Der interdisziplinär angelegte Band bereitet daher Theorie- und Wissensangebote aus verschiedenen Nachbardisziplinen für historiographische Zwecke auf und lotet zugleich anhand von Fallstudien das Verhältnis von Raum und Kommunikation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert aus. Dabei steht nichts weniger als die Eignung von Raum als Zentralkategorie für eine neu zu konzipierende Kommunikationsgeschichte zur Disposition. »All jenen, die sich für eine fruchtbare Verbindung von Geschichte und Geopraphie interessieren, sei dieser Sammelband wärmstens empfohlen.« Riccardo Bavaj, Westfälische Forschungen, 57 (2007) »So liegt hier ein Buch vor, das es auf faszinierende Weise schafft, den Raumbegriff davor zu bewahren substanzlose Modeerscheinung zu sein und zeigt, wie viele überaus spannende und wichtige neue Fragen unentdeckt in oft betrachteten Themen warten und durch eine Justierung des Blickwinkels sichtbar werden. Ein großes, ein wichtiges Buch.« Christian Schwarzenegger, medien & zeit, 3 (2005) »Der Sammelband ist ein weiterer eindringlicher Aufruf, Raum als historische Kategorie nun endlich ernsthaft in die Praxis einzubinden [...]. Es ist vorbildlich, wie die Beiträge die sukzessive Selbstzweckwerdung beider Ordnungen während der ›massenmedialen Sattelzeit‹ zwischen 1880 und 1960 herausstellen und dabei betont auf Interdisziplinarität setzen. Man kann nur hoffen, daß dieser innovative Zugang nicht erneut auf taube Ohren stößt.« Roland Cvetkovski, Das Historisch-Politische Buch, 54/5 (2006) »Der Band gehört [...] zu den außergewöhnlichen und herausragenden Publikationen, von denen der aktuelle Raumdiskurs leider nicht sehr viele zu bieten hat.« Ulrike Jureit, H-Soz-u-Kult, 09.03.2006 Besprochen in: Literaturen, 11 (2005)

Reading the country : 30 years on
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0648124223 9780648124290 9780648124283 0648124231 Year: 2019 Publisher: Broadway UTS ePRESS

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"Steeped in story-telling and endlessly curious, Reading the country: an introduction to nomadology (1984) was the product of Paddy Roe, Stephen Muecke and Krim Benterrak, experimenting with what it might be like to think together about country. In the process a senior traditional owner, a cultural theorist and a painter produced a text unlike any other. Reading the Country: 30 Years On is a celebration of one of the great twentieth-century books of intercultural dialogue. Recalling a spirit of intellectual risk and respect, in this collection, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, poets, writers and publishers both acknowledge the past and look, with hope, to future transformations of culture and country."--Publisher's website.

Emotions, senses, spaces : ethnographic engagements and intersections
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Adelaide : The University of Adelaide Press,

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This volume draws together three core concerns for the social sciences: the senses and embodiment, emotions, and space and place. In so doing, these collected essays consider the ways in which these core concerns are mutually constitutive. This includes how spaces evoke, constrain or are composed by the senses and emotions; the ways in which emotions are generated or transformed in certain spaces and through sensual engagement; and the processes by which embodied senses create spaces and emotions.

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